A Galaxy Store liberou mais um cupom que permite resgatar v-bucks no Fortnite com 90% de desconto. A Samsung já fez isso no mês de janeiro e mesmo que você já tenha resgatado o cupom do mês passado, pode também aproveitar a oportunidade em fevereiro, acumulando 2000 v-bucks.
Como resgatar cupom para o Fortnite na Galaxy Store
Para resgatar o cupom, é preciso ter algum smartphone ou tablet Samsung, compatível com o regulamento. A lista é extensa, então, se você tem um modelo recente, é bem provável que esteja habilitado.
- Abra a Galaxy Store em seu smartphone ou tablet, clicando no ícone do aplicativo na bandeja de aplicativos de seu dispositivo.
- No menu superior direito, você verá um ícone de presente, como na imagem abaixo. Clique no ícone.
3. Ao clicar no ícone do presente, você verá uma tela como abaixo. Clique no banner promocional do cupom;
4. Agora você deve clicar no botão do centro e aceitar os termos para ganhar o cupom. Feito isso, você poderá ver a tela da seguinte forma:
After receiving your coupon, you need to download the Fortnite on your smartphone or tablet. To do this, you need to download the Epic Games (https://galaxystore.samsung.com/detail/com.epicgames.portal?langCd=en). When downloading, click to install Fortnite and wait for the package of approximately 11GB to be downloaded and installed.
After that, just go to the in-game store and choose the 1000 V-bucks package, which costs R$ 25.00. When paying, you will see that the coupon has been applied and you will have a 90% discount, needing to pay the difference of 10%, which is R$ 2.50.
Following all the steps above, you will have your discount and will get 1000 V-Bucks for only 10% of the value. But be aware that this promotional coupon is limited, so don’t miss out.
If you want more advantages, you can choose to redeem the Real Exploration Tasks Pack which is available in the current Fortnite season. This pack provides a Skin and 1000 V-bucks, making it more advantageous than the traditional V-bucks package.
However, the V-bucks do not drop instantly when purchasing this pack. You have to complete the associated missions. But don’t worry, they are easy and simple to do, so much so that in just one day you can redeem all the associated V-bucks.
These missions of the Real Exploration Tasks Pack involve only the daily tasks chosen at the start of the matches. That is, just do all these missions until you complete the total required.
By completing the missions, you will earn V-bucks in batches, starting with 100, then 200, 300 and, finally, 400 V-bucks.
The Real Exploration Tasks Pack is available by completely scrolling down the Fortnite store and costs R$ 25 reais, the same value as the 1000 V-bucks package.